Saturday, October 31, 2009
Daylight Savings Time
In the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Congress changed the time frame for Daylight Savings Time, which, since 2007, now runs from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday of November.
So by 2 a.m. this Sunday, Nov. 1, people are encouraged to set their clocks, watches and all other time pieces back one hour.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Grizzly observed on Shohsone River near Ralston
On Monday Oct. 26, officials from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department responded to a report of bear tracks observed on a private residence near Ralston, Wyo., close to the Shoshone River.
Department personnel responded and determined the tracks to be that of a grizzly bear. “We investigated and confirmed that a grizzly had been in the area; we also determined that the bear was a radio-collared female,” said information specialist Dennie Hammer.
Signals from her radio collar indicated that she was day-bedded in the heavy brush along the Shoshone River near Willwood Dam until dark on Tuesday evening October 27. However, the following morning personnel were unable to locate the bear. The department enlisted the help of an airplane equipped with radio-tracking devices in an attempt to locate the bear to no avail.
According to Hammer, the bear may have moved completely out of the area. “We have seen bears move considerable distances this time of the year and she may have headed back to the mountain,” Hammer said.
Deer season opens on Nov. 1 in many of the hunt areas in and around Cody, Ralston and Powell and the Department is urging hunters to be bear aware.
“We want everyone to be cautious and understand that this is unusual bear activity. If the bear is located outside of known grizzly bear habitat we will attempt to capture or remove her,” said Gary Brown, Cody region wildlife supervisor. “We do not want to alarm people but we do want them to be bear aware for safety’s sake and report to the Cody office, or local game wardens, any grizzly bear observed in the Ralston area.”
Report observations by calling the Stop Poaching Hotline at 1-877-WGFD-TIP.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tomorrow's Chronicle: Oct. 29, 2009
•A story about outbreak of the flu (H1N1 / swine flu and Influenza A) in northern Big Horn County, with information about the flu vaccine, treatment and the difference between the common cold and flu.
•An update on sugar beet farmers as they hurry to get beets harvested and processed at factories after a great growing season that is being threatened by cold weather.
•Free dump days for the disposal of yard waste at the Big Horn County Landfill.
•Unemployment: updated numbers of people unemployed in Big Horn County.
Also, information about: the 4H turkey shoot, a proposed ban on airport residences, National Guard town meeting, active shooter law enforcement training, Lovell Town Council and Your Town Community Meeting update with details about the signage project and film festival.
Saving sunlight: Daylight savings time is Sunday at 2 a.m.
Cuckoo clocks will be going crazy this Sunday when they will have to be wound back to allow the sunlight to hit the fields earlier and allow farmers to stay asleep for another hour for daylight savings time.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Contact the Lovell Chronicle to order reprints
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cloud 3 airs Sunday on PBS
The third installment of the Cloud series continues with all the twists, turns and excitement of a charismatic wild horse herd, focusing on the white palomino Cloud as he continues to grow into a mature horse.

The first two two shows “Cloud: Wild Stallion of the Rockies”
Check local listings
More about the horses:
Mustang Center blog
The Cloud Foundation blog
Controversy erupts over BLM's planned horse gather - Sept. 3, 2009
Pryor Mountain horse gather proceeds - Sept. 10, 2009
After the roundup: horses processed at Britton Springs - Sept. 17, 2009
Pryor horses pack up and head out - Oct. 1, 2009
Cloud photo by Ginger Kathrens
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tomorrow's Chronicle: Oct. 22, 2009
- The growing concerns and uncertainties for the unknown outcome of the sugar beet harvest
- The Byron Town Complex dedication
- Sports updates: volleyball, football and cross country teams hit post-season play
- Eleutian technologies finding new and innovative ways to reach students across the globe
- Planning a film festival in Lovell
- Recycling at LHS, the sports booster page, a pumpkin carving contest...and more
Friday, October 16, 2009
Storage in Big Horn Lake as of Oct. 1 was 104 percent of average and 0.74
feet below the top of the joint-use pool. It was also 3.23 feet lower than on Sept. 1.
Based on stream flow accretions accompanied by the planned releases out of Boysen and Buffalo Bill Reservoirs, the water supply forecast prepared in October indicates the October inflow to Big Horn Lake to be about 88 percent of average, according to Reservoir and River Operations Manager Tim H. Felchle.
Click here to read the full October report.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Lovell should throw a ___. (fill in the blank)
Scottish Highland Festival? Mountain biking challenge? Oktoberfest? Barbeque cookoff? Battle of the bands? Snow sculpture contest? Film festival? Frog race party? Harvest celebration? Music festival? Bonfire? Community drum circle? Massive art show? Rollerblade challenge? Shakespeare in the Park? Winter games? Wine tasting? Food fight?
Fill in the blank. What type of event would you and your family and friends enjoy attending? It could be an original idea or something you saw on TV or in another town.
After thinking for a while, take your idea(s) to the Lovell Community Center tonight (Thursday) at 7 p.m. for the third installment of the Your Town Community meetings.
At tonight’s meeting, Lovell residents are being asked to speak up about what type of an event could be held in the next six months to a year in Lovell. The sky (and a limited budget) is the limit, but almost any type of event could be held on a small scale in Lovell.
I can’t say what the rest of the town would like to see, but I think a chili cook-off or a high-stakes marathon dominoes tournament would be fun. Or maybe everyone could get together to try to break a Guinness World Record.
We could have a Luau at Horseshoe Bend or a “taste of the Big Horn Basin” food event. We could celebrate sugar with a beet bonanza or commemorate Henry Clay Lovell’s birthday. We could raise money for a charitable cause or raffle proceeds from the event to the people in attendance.
Readers may like some of my ideas and despise others. The point is, this meeting could go in any direction, and it will be the most successful if a bunch of people show up tonight and share their ideas.
If only a few voices are heard, they could designate any type of event they wanted without your input. You wouldn’t allow that, would you?
The Your Town Meetings have been going well so far, with an introduction session and a second session that designated a signage project for the town. Sue Taylor of Lovell Inc. helps facilitate discussions along with committee chair Tracy Beal and the rest of the committee. There has been limited attendance at the two previous meetings, but residents are encouraged to come to tonight’s meeting and help to decide the all-important event. A final session will be held next Thursday to iron out details about the yet-to-be-determined event and the signage project.
If only a few people show up to tonight’s meeting, the group will still, no doubt, be able to come up with a great idea. But the fewer people there are at the meeting could mean we’re holding a balloon-animal festival in a town that’s afraid of clowns.
What type of event do you think would go over well in Lovell? Leave any ideas in the comments section, and be sure to bring them to tonight's meeting.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tomorrow's Chronicle: Oct. 15, 2009
- The happenings during the Rocky Mountain and Lovell homecoming celebrations held last week.
- An update about open burning in Lovell, which is currently banned in town because of complaints received by the Department of Environmental Quality.
- A story about the H1N1 vaccine, which is now available in Big Horn County.
- Thoughts from farmers about the effect the recent cold snap has had on the beet harvest.
- School news from the District One and District Two regular monthly board meetings.
- A preview of the Byron Town Complex dedication scheduled for Saturday.
- Sports including volleyball, football and cross country.
- Much more, including articles about domestic violence, the Main Street Mingle, the acquisition of First National Bank and Trust and Geology Day at Big Horn Canyon.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Presenting the LC Blog
The Lovell Chronicle blog: a place for updates, observations and comments from readers. The blog will contain photos, some breaking news information and other tidbits that never made their way into the newspaper, but still would like to be heard.
But wait, doesn’t the Chronicle already have a Website? Yes we do, but the blog is a different beast. It’s our attempt to add more web content without taking away from our print product and sharing thoughts and information that is either on a different schedule than our weekly Thursday publication or maybe just too light-hearted or too slim to warrant a story of its own. Think of it as a bonus with some colorful attitude on the side.
We are encouraging readers to visit often and to make themselves heard by leaving comments on the blog. With participation from the community, we hope the blog will become a vibrant exchange of information with thoughts and comments about issues from every viewpoint. We ask that readers keep their comments away from personal attacks and adhere to the guidelines of libel law.
That should about do it for an introduction. Welcome to the Chronicle blog, and let us know what you think.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Take a look at Ed Heninger's blog entry on 'How We Read'
It's easy to misspell a word … or two, and still understand the story.